Useful Links
Click the dropdowns below to access a wide range of useful links.
Dyslexia Scotland
Dyslexia Scotland is a national charity that aims to enable people with dyslexia to reach their potential in education, employment and life. It exists to support people with dyslexia as well as those who support them. Educators can make use of Dyslexia Scotland’s services, including their Helpline, publications, membership, Branch events across Scotland, Education conference and other events, dyslexia awareness training and advice.
Dyslexia Scotland also has a website especially for children and young people aged 8-18 years old whoc are dyslexic. Teachers may find it useful to direct pupils to this website:
CALL Scotland
CALL provides information and advice on technological aids for communication and learning to professionals, carers and disabled people themselves. They support children and young people across Scotland to overcome disability and barriers to learning.
Below are some of the CALL websites which will provide you with very helpful information to support your own professional practice and understanding of how to provide an accessible curriculum for your pupils.
Books for All -
Digital Exams -
Free digital voices -
The Scottish Government and Education Scotland continue to support dyslexia and inclusive practice through a range of reviews, approaches and partnership working with schools and local authority staff to help them:
- Improve the educational experiences, achievement, attainment and outcomes for children and young people with dyslexia.
- Ensure a parity of academic attainment and wellbeing for dyslexic learners and their peers.
Scottish Government -
Education Scotland -
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde KIDS Zone
‘KIDS’ stands for Kids Independently Developing Skills. The information on this NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde site is designed to help children and young people to be as independent as possible in all aspects of their day to day living.
KIDS Zone is an area of this website where children and young people can learn more about developing their skills and looking after themselves. Although designed for the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde area, there is a lot of information that is useful for young people from any area.